Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mini Project #2

Photo Credit:
Nicole Ho

May 18, 2010
Today, I made ice cream using some very simple ingredients. It involved simple materials such as milk, sugar, and vanilla. To make the ice cream, we needed ice and salt to make the milk mixture freeze.

To do this experiment, you need:
  1. Milk
  2. Sugar
  3. Vanilla
  4. Ice
  5. Bag
  6. Salt
Science: The science involved was with the salt.The salt reacted with the ice to lower the freezing temperature of the ice so that it wouldn't melt as fast. As the ice gets colder, the milk mixture can also get colder and eventually make our ice cream!

The experiment overall was really fun and the ice cream was good but I added a little too much sugar so it tasted too sweet and not as great. Not all of the milk froze either so I didn't get a complete mixture of ice cream. Other than that, the experiment was still good and fun.

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