Friday, November 20, 2009

November 19/09- November 20/09

This November 19, I got sick. I stayed for most of the school day but during lunch, I had a really bad headache and I wanted to go home so I went to the health office. When I went home, I went to bed but I had a hard time trying to sleep so I took a shower and started doing my homework. It was great being able to finish my homework very early so I had a lot of extra time. I started to feel a lot better so I just started playing some games and I only have a sore throat right now.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hospital Volunteer in September

I had to volunteer for the hospital this Sunday with my friend and we got in trouble somehow. We asked a nurse if there was anything for us to do and she told us that we could stay in this conference room to work on some packets. A while later, another nurse comes in and tells us that we're not supposed to be there and she got really mad at us for doing what we're supposed to be doing. She wanted to call our principal or someone and made us leave early which made me mad.

September Test

The first chemistry test of the year felt very difficult for me. I didn't think that I knew my material well enough and it seemed like the test was asking me questions that I've never heard of before. I was very amazed when I got an A on the test because when I looked back on the test, I realized that I actually had some knowledge of the material and I was very happy when I passed it.

Nov 1-7

This week was very stressful because I have a championship meet for cross country, a make-up test for Mr. Jackson's class, and a chemistry test! I was disappointed when I found out that I ran the exact same 2.95 mile time as the week before and when I got home, I was very tired and it was hard to focus and study for my English test and Chemistry test. I was relieved when my English test got pushed back to Monday and I didn't like how I got a B- on the chemistry test because I thought that it was pretty easy.

Oct 25 - Oct 31

This week was pretty boring except the fact that Halloween was on Saturday! I didn't dress up as anything during school or Halloween because I don't really like costumes. Halloween was fun because I got to hang out with a lot of my friends. I started trick-or-treating a little but then I decided I didn't want any more candy, so i just walked around with my friends as they continued trick-or-treating.