Friday, October 23, 2009

Flame Test Lab

Yesterday, we did a a lab that involved fire and an element. When we put an element over the Bunsen burner, the flames turn into a different color depending on what the element is. Later, we were given an element without the name and we had to guess what element it was. It was very cool how flames could change colors depending on the element. My favorite color of the fire was green. It was a very fun lab because we were able to play with fire.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chemistry 10/12 - 10/16

This week in chemistry, it was very confusing. I didn't understand any of the radiation or nuclear decay stuff. In chemistry, we watched an Einstein video about how energy can be converted to mass and mass can be converted to energy and in E=mc^2, c is equal to the speed of light. On Friday, we played a game to help us review for our nuclear test and then I understood everything.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Radiation And Cross Country

We learned about radioactivity this week. I'm really confused about this section because I missed a block day to go to a cross country meet. This caused the week to be extremely difficult for me to keep up with all the things that are going on in chemistry. It is very confusing when I go into class and we go over things that I've never heard of before. The cross country meet was very hard but i surprised myself since I did so well.