Friday, December 11, 2009

Mole Song

The Mole Song is when Mr. Olson was with Mr. Washington singing a song about mole which is 6.02 x 10^23. They were both very good at singing and it was pretty easy to follow with. The weird color made the video seem a little weird at first but it was easy to look at after a little time. Overall, the song was very funny and interesting because now if I ever forget about moles, I can go on Youtube and watch the video so I can remember.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Today when i played badminton, my partner aaron lee got hit in the eye from the birdy. After he got hit, we started playing miserably and we started losing a lot of the games but after that, he got better and we started winning as usual again. I think that ever since Aaron got hit in the eye, we started to lose games that we should've won which disappoints me but there's nothing I could do about it.

Tiger Woods

Today, i realized that tiger woods has been cheating on his wife. i was really amazed when i heard that tiger woods was married. It was even more surprising when i found out that he was cheating on her with two other women.

Friday, November 20, 2009

November 19/09- November 20/09

This November 19, I got sick. I stayed for most of the school day but during lunch, I had a really bad headache and I wanted to go home so I went to the health office. When I went home, I went to bed but I had a hard time trying to sleep so I took a shower and started doing my homework. It was great being able to finish my homework very early so I had a lot of extra time. I started to feel a lot better so I just started playing some games and I only have a sore throat right now.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hospital Volunteer in September

I had to volunteer for the hospital this Sunday with my friend and we got in trouble somehow. We asked a nurse if there was anything for us to do and she told us that we could stay in this conference room to work on some packets. A while later, another nurse comes in and tells us that we're not supposed to be there and she got really mad at us for doing what we're supposed to be doing. She wanted to call our principal or someone and made us leave early which made me mad.

September Test

The first chemistry test of the year felt very difficult for me. I didn't think that I knew my material well enough and it seemed like the test was asking me questions that I've never heard of before. I was very amazed when I got an A on the test because when I looked back on the test, I realized that I actually had some knowledge of the material and I was very happy when I passed it.

Nov 1-7

This week was very stressful because I have a championship meet for cross country, a make-up test for Mr. Jackson's class, and a chemistry test! I was disappointed when I found out that I ran the exact same 2.95 mile time as the week before and when I got home, I was very tired and it was hard to focus and study for my English test and Chemistry test. I was relieved when my English test got pushed back to Monday and I didn't like how I got a B- on the chemistry test because I thought that it was pretty easy.

Oct 25 - Oct 31

This week was pretty boring except the fact that Halloween was on Saturday! I didn't dress up as anything during school or Halloween because I don't really like costumes. Halloween was fun because I got to hang out with a lot of my friends. I started trick-or-treating a little but then I decided I didn't want any more candy, so i just walked around with my friends as they continued trick-or-treating.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Flame Test Lab

Yesterday, we did a a lab that involved fire and an element. When we put an element over the Bunsen burner, the flames turn into a different color depending on what the element is. Later, we were given an element without the name and we had to guess what element it was. It was very cool how flames could change colors depending on the element. My favorite color of the fire was green. It was a very fun lab because we were able to play with fire.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chemistry 10/12 - 10/16

This week in chemistry, it was very confusing. I didn't understand any of the radiation or nuclear decay stuff. In chemistry, we watched an Einstein video about how energy can be converted to mass and mass can be converted to energy and in E=mc^2, c is equal to the speed of light. On Friday, we played a game to help us review for our nuclear test and then I understood everything.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Radiation And Cross Country

We learned about radioactivity this week. I'm really confused about this section because I missed a block day to go to a cross country meet. This caused the week to be extremely difficult for me to keep up with all the things that are going on in chemistry. It is very confusing when I go into class and we go over things that I've never heard of before. The cross country meet was very hard but i surprised myself since I did so well.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


This week in chemistry, we continue to work on our element project and my element is Phosphorus. We basically took notes almost every night and reviewed things such as the number of protons, electrons, and the atomic number is always the same. We watched videos such as the Powers of Ten and a little of how certain elements react. We did several worksheets throughout the week that mainly has to do with elements. We meet up in the library this Friday and will finish the element project.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Music Video

The music video that we did about how to convert was fun but our group wasn't very enthusiastic about it such as some members of our group not even trying to open their mouths to sing. I think that our group had a hard time because a lot of people in the metals group are shy and didn't want to even face the camera. I thought that our group could've done a better job at the music video but overall it was alright because we only had about two practices before the actual filming.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Weight Lab

Yesterday, we finished up our lab when we guess how heavy an object is and then actually weighing it. After we guess and weigh the item, we calculated the percent of how off we were. I was usually 45% wrong because the objects seem to weigh the same and my guess would be really off. I was somewhat close when we weighed mass and I was really off when I was trying to predict the volume of small test tubes, glass bottles, paper and plastic cups. Another problem was sometimes calculating the percentage wrong. All in all, the lab was fun because I was able to guess the weight and I was off by a lot.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Goals and Passions

My goals in life are to be faster in cross country and track. Another goal is to try harder in school and get better grades than before. My passions are playing basketball, football, and running. I also like hanging out with friends, sleeping in, and slacking off when it's summer vacation or a holiday. I hope that I can achieve several goals throughout my life.

Penny Lab

The penny lab was fun because when my group was trying to turn the penny gold, it melted. The lab was unsuccessful for me because the penny was half gold and half silver. Although the lab didn't come out with the results I expected, it was still fun trying to turn a copper penny into a gold penny. Next time, I want to turn the entire penny gold.